(click on any of these for larger version)

Alright! Megatron removed! Sheesh ya damn fanboys!

A note about that last one: that's a Harry Potter VIBRATING broom. Perfect for ages... uh, over 18. Good lord.

Cool photos and strange news from a guy with way too much time on his hands.
1 – 200 of 314 Newer› Newest»Funny Stuff
May I place a link to this post on my blog?
For the record, the "Flesh Drink" is an artifact of the Japanese overlap between R and L sounds, while the amputee doll is meant to reinforce self-esteem and positive body image for young children who've had surgery.
Most of the rest is just fucked up, though.
Hillarious! = )
What the hell is Megatron doing on the list?
I think its his trigger that is what's important there....
The worst offender of all has to be the Mew Stylus. o_O
Hah! Great job. No wonder it ended up on Digg. Notice how all the toys have something wrong with mainly the 'genital' area on the said toy.
I remember seeing the commercial for the Harry Potter Broomsticks, seeing those poor kids riding around all innocent while the voice over explained the vibrating feature. That was definitely a priceless toy.
lol those are great, the dora explorer one (the first one on the list) I had seen before. The best was eithre the elmo or the batman (which i suspect to be fake, no way some company didn't realize the idiocy in that)
Super Soaker Oozinator anyone? Look up the commercial on youtube if you haven't heard about it.
The Bin Laden and/or 9/11 ones kinda scare me almost as much as they make me laugh, almost as much. I guess more than one emotion at a time can come from something so ludicrous as that.
and I don't see Megatron either btw
Oh, god. Dora the Explorer. It hurts to laugh! HAHAHHA ouuch
I remember a local radio station here in CO (93.3) making so much fun of the Harry Potter broomstick. I guess I never realized it was real until I saw it here.....
Here's another one!
Show me a Michael Jackson one!!
You forgot this one.
It just works on so many levels
I want the TWISTER bed-sheets!
WTF toys
I dont get it... what's wrong with the Godzilla toy?
>>>david - look into his eyes :)))
Funny as hell! :D
The amputee doll is just WRONG in two different ways. Both of which are each leg. Who cares if it's politically correct. Funny though.
This post is simply hilarious, but sad at the same time because some of these toys should not have been approved for production.
That pink bendy toy with the large junk is mine!
sergeant stroker anyone?
Okay, in reference to the Godzilla pic: that is how his eyes where done in the 1954 original "Gojira." Yes, I am a geek.
Luckily for Puritan America, Children won't 'sexualize' the product until they are probably around 11. About the same age as when they start having their first heathen urges.
Some of those ARE funny though.
Never would imagine how they got the Batman squirt gun through.
i don't care what you think, i would pay decent money for the twister bedding. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES PEOPLE
We have the dinosaur. My son loves it.
Would you believe the dinosaur was invented/created by my step-grandfather? I sent the link on to my mother who told me. They always refer to it as the "pull my d**k dino" My Gpa has always been a toy inventor and that was one of his last commercial toys he produced! :-)
very funny stuff~~ my granddaughter has the dora but even her parents couldn't see the nastiness of it until i showed them
I want the Twister sheets for a king sized bed and I'll fall asleep tonite thinking of Tarzan and what his hand is REALLY doing.
Yes, I'm a chick
Wooo.. Very creative..!!
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Просто производители головой не думают, я жопой !
Great, great, compilation. Infinite laughs, I had to show them to my people. Congratulations!!
This is so cool! I mean it, its really funny xD.
This is so cool! I mean it, its really funny.
Do you think you have seen everything?
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Thanks for the cool pics!
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